Financial business operator Kanto Finance Bureau Director (Financial) No.1960/Member Association Japan Investment Advisers Association Member Number 012-02324

How to Download and Install EA

How to Download and Install EA

Step 1. Download file

■ Click [Customer Area] > [Download] on My Page to display the download list of purchased products and click the name of product
you wish to download.

■ The following details page will be displayed. Click the [Product Files] to download the product. For products with new web certification,
"Unregistered" is displayed without entering the account number and selecting the securities company name (Broker)

Step 2. Unzip the download files

■ Unzip the downloaded file (zip file). As shown in the figure below, the products subject to the new web authentication have a folder
and an ex4 file directly under the zip folder. The ex4 file directly under the zip has an 8-digit half-width alphanumeric character at the
end of the file name, but this is the information required for new web authentication, so please do not change or delete it. In addition
to ex4 files, folders may contain various files such as Indicators folder, Libraries folder, PDF file, DLL file, etc.
Follow the seller's instructions for installing the DLL file.

Step 3. EA and Indicator Installation

(EA installation)

① Launch your MT4 platform.

② Click File >> Open Data Folder

③ Click the MQL4

④ Click the (Experts)

⑤ Paste your ex4.file here (from step 2. Unzip the download files)

⑥ If there is an Indicators folder or Libraries folder, put the files in it in the same folder in [MQL4].If there are other files that need
to be installed, please install them in the folder specified by the seller.

This completes the installation of EA. Close this folder and proceed to step 4

(Indicator installation)

① Launch your MT4 platform.

② Click File >> Open Data Folder

③ Click the MQL4

④ Click the (Indicators)

⑤ Paste your ex4.file here (from step 2. Unzip the download files)

⑥ If there is an Indicators folder or Libraries folder, put the files in it in the same folder in [MQL4]. If there are other files that need
to be installed, please install them in the folder specified by the seller.

This completes the installation of the indicator. Close this folder and proceed to step 4.

Step 4. MT4 settings

① Click (Tools) >>(Options)

② Go to the [Expert Advisor] tab,Check "Allow use of DLL" Check “Allow automated trading" and click “Ok”

Step 5. Activate your EA and Indicator


① (1) Click the "+" mark of [Expert Advisor] in the [Navigator] window of MT4.

② A list of EA is displayed. Drag and drop (or double-click) the EA installed in step 3 onto the chart.

③ The window shown below will be displayed. Click OK. The type of EA for which "Parameter" can be set , can be set on this screen, so please refer to the manual of the product or the product page
of GogoJungle and set it appropriately. You can change the parameters later.

④ After successful authentication, "authentication success: by GogoJungle" is displayed on the Expert tab at the top left of the chart and MT4.
Also, when the EA is valid and is in a state where it can be automatically traded, the face mark on the upper right of the chart will be as shown
below. If you cannot authenticate normally or if an error occurs, please refer to the [Authentication error message list] section.

( Indicator)

①Click the "+" mark of [Indicator] in the [Navigator] window of MT4.

② A list of indicators is displayed. Drag and drop (or double-click) the indicator installed in step 3 onto the chart.

③ The window shown below will be displayed. Click OK. Indicators of the type for which "parameters" can be set can be set on this screen, so please refer to the product manual or the GogoJungle
product page and set accordingly. You can change the parameters later.

④ After successful authentication, "authentication success: by GogoJungle" is displayed on the Expert tab at the top left of the chart and MT4.
The indicator has no face mark on the upper right of the chart.If you cannot authenticate normally or if an error occurs, please refer to the
[Authentication error message list] section.

Web authentication reset (account change) method

After stopping the EA/indicator running on MT4, Click the reset button on the download details screen to clear your account information.
※ Please note that tie-up campaign products cannot be reset.

After resetting, it will return to the unregistered status. Please operate on the new MT4.There is no need to re-download the product file.

Authentication error message list and solutions

The following is a list of error messages displayed during authentication and the action to be taken. Regarding the error that cannot be resolved, please contact us from the site.

Messages Cause and solution
1 Authentication success You have successfully authenticated with a real account.
2 Authentication success - Demo Account You have successfully authenticated with a demo account.
3 Authentication failure - Please allow use of DLL This is caused by the MT4 setting [Unchecked to allow use of DLL].
Check [Allow use of DLL] in [Tools] -> [Options] -> [Expert] tab of MT4
4 Authentication failure - Please allow automatic trade Please check [Allow automated trading] on the [Tools] -> [Options] ->
[Expert] tab of MT4
5 Invalid file name. Please download again from our site The reason is that the authentication identifier is not correctly
attached to the file name.Please re-download from the site
and apply it to MT4 as it is. If the downloaded ex4 file does not
have an identifier, please contact us from the site.
6 Authentication failure - Another account number has already been registered. Please reset the account number from the site. This is because it is already in use by another MT4 account.Please reset
(initialize) the account information using the [Reset] function on the
product download page and apply it to MT4 again.
7 Authentication failure - Information on authentication is insufficient. Please inquire from the site. The reason is that communication is not working due to a timeout
If it does not improve even after a while, please contact us from the site.
8 Authentication failure - Error connecting to server This is due to a lack of information required for authentication
(product information, purchase information, etc.).Please inquire from the site.
9 Authentication failure - Sales ID could not be retrieved correctly. Please inquire from the site. This is due to a lack of information required for authentication
(product information, purchase information, etc.). Please inquire from the site.
10 Authentication failure - Product ID could not be obtained correctly.
Please inquire from the site.
This is due to a lack of information required for authentication
(product information, purchase information, etc.). Please inquire from the site.
11 Authentication failure - Account number could not be obtained correctly. Please inquire from the site. The reason is that the MT4 account number cannot be obtained.Please inquire from the site.
12 Authentication failure - Product has been disabled. The reason is that communication is not working due to a timeout.
If it does not improve even after a while, please contact us from the site.
13 Authentication failure - Could not get broker name and
account number.
The reason is that we cannot get the broker name and account number.
Please apply the EA and indicator again.
14 Authentication failure - Thank you to apply for the account number from My page. This is the old Web authentication method, in which the email address is entered in the parameters of the EA and indicator. You need to register your MT4 account number on My Page.
15 Authentication failure - Product is not purchased yet. No purchase information. Please inquire from the site.
16 Authentication failure - Error connecting to server. The reason is that communication is not working due to a timeout.
If it does not improve even after a while, please contact us from the site.